
Fineprint literary mnagagment
Fineprint literary mnagagment

fineprint literary mnagagment

If you equate the world of writing with the world of music, excluding the lucky and the deeply idiosyncratically charismatic, you need to know how to play your instrument and have a decent grounding in music theory while making all that technique slave to your developing creativity. I think the tyro writer who aspires to be a professional needs to think about two things: first of all, really learn your craft, understand that words are tools, and don’t use phrases like “fiction novel,” for example, so I have confidence that you know how to use those tools. So, I’ll hesitantly, and I’m afraid very superficially, lend my voice to the Babel of voices already out there. Peter: This is one of those questions that appears simple and yet engenders within it a world of topics and conflicting advice. LitVote: What is your advice to writers wanting to break into the industry? Peter enjoys helping writers with technique- see the video!

fineprint literary mnagagment

Literary agent and CEO of Fine Print Literary Management, Peter Rubie, says he isn’t literary snob, but after some consideration, adds, “Maybe I am.” A former professional jazz musician and member of the NYU faculty for 10 years, Peter taught the only university-level course in the country on how to become a literary agent. What Does Literary Agent Peter Rubie Really Want?īy Author Mary Yuhas, who has over 60,000 reads on Scribd of the first three chapters of her memoir, Quit and Be Quiet, about growing up with a severely mentally ill mother.

Fineprint literary mnagagment